And now a tribute to my wonderful loving brother: [I.E.: I HAVE BEEN HIJACKED]

oOkaaaaay....I did NOT write the post I just found below. MAAATTHEEWWW!!!! He is either being a pest, or just mean.

He is such a great guy that I don’t think anybody could ever compare. Every time he goes about to fix something, that something turns out better than it began. He’s just that good. He’s not annoying in the least bit. Neither is he loud, obnoxious, whiny, or rude . . . ever!!!! I love that big guy. What an awesome brother to have. He’s strong and handsome, too. Too bad I don’t have more brothers, but now that I think about it none of them would compare.

Thanks for being such an awesome brother. You, shall we say,rock!!!

Oh, and he’s ultra-smart, too. Just saying!

Not that he's NOT cool and everything. Whatever. "Mi hermano, me tu eres coducinando loco!" or something like that.

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9 Response to "And now a tribute to my wonderful loving brother: [I.E.: I HAVE BEEN HIJACKED]"

  1. Loren says:

    oooh Matthew. You sound like you're in trouble! :)

    Tim B. says:

    I got everything but coducinando. What does that mean?

    She said, "My brother, you are driving me crazy!"

    The "conducin" part means drive, and the "-ando" ending makes it present progressive.

    Wow, Tim, I've taken less Spanish than you, but I can figure out words better than you can. :D

    Yes, I think it should actually say "conduciendo". The root is conducir--which always reminds me of "conduct", and that's how you can remember that it means "to drive".

    Tim B. says:

    @Christian: Yep, I know I am not that fluent at it. Even though I did have 3 years of it, I had like a different teacher each year and two different ones in the same year. Talk about confusing! Anyways, each teacher had their own style and it was difficult to keep up. Oh well I can at least get the majority of it LOL!

    This blog now has a striking resemblance to my blog, .

    I really liked the way you had it formatted just before you changed it today. This format really does look like the Odyssey Way's format and I think you should change it back or come up with something better. Keep up the great work!

    P.S. How does Matthew know your password to be able to write parts of your posts?

    "This format really does look like the Odyssey Way's format and I think you should change it back or come up with something better." Are you saying you don't like my format? ;)

    Camilla says:

    Christian A.: Matthew helped me set up the blog. But I changed the password after he posted. Ha ha!

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